Is Kim Richards Alcoholic?

Friday, January 21, 2011

In this episode, Real Housewives of Beverly Hills that aired January 20, 2011, Kyle Richards accused Kim Richards being an alcoholic after a night of emotional boozing at Taylor Armstrong’s 39th birthday party.

In this episode "Real Housewives of Beverly Hills" tale that in a crazy turn of events explosive fight between the sisters, Kim and Kyle Richards led in the family of Kim check her into rehab.
What began as a friendly party to celebrate the birth of Taylor’s grown into a group fight among women while their husbands were standing around in shock.
And at the end of the episode, it told that Kim's family checked her into rehab for a week later, she also checked herself out too.
There is another rumor even suggested that Kyle had Kim check into rehab recently. If this is the case, then admit your problems and get some help Lima Bean. You deserve to be happy.